Strowz Investment Portfolios
Start investing in minutes
Simply choose your account, enter your details, and decide how much you want to invest. We’ll do the rest.
Want to invest more? Top up your portfolio at any time. Easy.
Our fees are 0.65% per annum, charged monthly.
Check anytime
Check on your investment through our app or website. We provide a daily update and insights on your investment.
We provide you with a comprehensive daily history on the changes in your investment, for a deep understanding or just a quick update.
You’re in control
With MarketsFlow you can access your account and money at any time.
Invest more, take it out, or move it to a different portfolio. All at a moments notice.
FCA Authorised
Strowz Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No. 792373).
MarketsFlow High Growth Portfolio
Our High Growth Portfolio invests in High Growth stocks whilst managing volatility using our award winning advisory platform.
Start investingMarketsFlow Growth Portfolio
Our Growth Portfolio invests in Value and Growth stocks whilst managing volatility using our award winning advisory platform.
Start investingMarketsFlow ISA Portfolio
Our ISA Portfolio invests in Value and Growth stocks whilst managing volatility using our award winning advisory platform.
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